I had the privilege of hearing James’s story at a women’s leadership conference. Two times in as many days I found myself uttering “If James can do it, I can.” I am not alone in that thought. We all need a role model. We all want to be inspired, encouraged and pushed to be the person we are meant to become. James’s story will do that. It is not a rags to riches story and neither is it a being in the right place at the right time one, rather it is raw, powerful, moving, hard to hear at times yet exalting in its conclusion. That James is even alive to tell his life story is proof in itself of a human’s will to live, to survive, to thrive. His message is impactful and wrought with emotion, courage and perseverance each more powerful than the other. James will empower and engage any audience be it that of one or one thousand. He will change their perspective perhaps even so their lives.
He is a man worth hearing.