
World Martial Arts Champion

Started martial arts with kung-fu at age 13. Then transitioned to karate at 15. Won the National Championships 7 times. Won Double Gold at the USA Team Trials. Won the World Martial Arts Championship in Ocha Rios Jamaica. Took silver in the World Cup & Goodwill Games. Ranked #1 in the world in karate for 3 years.

Former Foster Care Child

After being abandoned by his parents, James became a ward of the state at age 10 and stayed in the system until he aged out at 21. He went to 6 junior highs and 5 high schools and moved 21 times. James knows first hand what foster care is like.

Motivational Speaker/Author

James travels the world motivating 1000’s with his motivational speeches “Defying the Odds”, “ABC-Always Be Closing”& “Think & Live Like A Champion.” He also has a book called
"Your Amazing Itty Bitty® Foster & Adoptive Parent Guide".

Parent/Teen Mentor

James trains parents on how to build a loving relationship with their teens. He also mentors teens who are about to age out of the system on how to have success as an adult.